Thursday, September 4, 2014

¡Un verano excelente!

I have to say that I had an amazing summer! It began with a bit of adventure in Mexico City. It was my first time visiting this amazing place, after teaching about it for years in the classroom. I was there with my brother (he's the ugly one in the picture), and so that also added a big element of fun for me.
At the ruins of Teotihuacán. Pyramid of the Sun in the background.

Pyramid of the Sun

The highlight of this part of the trip was definitely seeing the ruins of Teotihuacán, which has been on my "absolutely no matter what must visit at some point in my life" list since I started teaching Spanish.
Carved stone serpents
We then made our way over to Colima, Mexico, which is where my parents are from, and is a small town in every sense of the word. The weather was normally 95-100+ degrees with about 80% humidity, and sleeping with a mosquito net was a must. Dengue fever is active in these parts, and I had no interest in bringing  back that kind of memento.

My aunt (tía) laughing at the boys from Los Angeles.

All in all, I had an amazing time in Mexico. I got in touch with my roots again, and finally was able to see some of the things I have always heard and read about. Best of all... I plan on going back!!


  1. I think it would be so fun to visit Mexico. I have never gone, but I would really love to go! I am so excited to learn spanish this year so that I can visit Mexico. Nice pictures!

    1. Lots of Mexico is pretty great! Maybe you can go on the Spring Break trip next year.

  2. I think its important that people learn more languages. Learning new languages makes the world smaller. I would love to visit a latin country to learn more about the culture. My brother went to Spain this summer and came back different. He could speak lots of spanish. He now talks to my house keeper in fluent spanish. By going he connected to people who know spanish and made the world just a little smaller. Overall, I feel that learning new languages is an important part of our world.

  3. That sounds so fun! I've been to many parts of Mexico before, but never visited any real ruins. Some of your pictures are amazing, too! you must be a pretty good photographer!

    1. Thanks, Erik! I do enjoy taking a good shot. And yes, there is nothing like visiting ruins and imagining how it was years ago.

  4. This article was so intriguing and it definitely got me more interested in learning about Mexico City (i now want to visit!). It sounds like you had a great time, and I can't wait to here all about it. One of the reasons why I chose to take Spanish this year, was to be able to communicate with other people in Spanish-speaking countries. So, I hope that when I get older, and eventually visit Mexico City, I will be able to communicate with the people there which would be such a cool experience. From: Ella

    1. You WILL be able to communicate when you eventually go, since we emphasize actually speaking Spanish! Good comment.
